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#Foresight4Ag: Empowering rural communities to determine their own futures

GFAR and FARA are leading the facilitation of a Collective Action embedding foresight into agricultural research and innovation in Africa. Climate change, population growth and migration are some of the challenges that face the future of agriculture. Caught in the middle of these challenges are smallholder farmers and rural communities who produce a substantial proportion of the world’s food. For them... Continue reading

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  • Italy
  • Access to resources and capacity building
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0 Hits

Mapping the Future Scenarios of Land Degradation and Restoration

Agriculture and food production are highly dependent on climatic conditions and a host of ecosystem services, without which it will be impossible to feed the growing population of the world.  This recognition of the inter-dependent relationship between agriculture and climate – and some of its key drivers/effects such as loss of biodiversity and land degradation among others – is one of... Continue reading

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  • Creating opportunities for policy debate
  1002 Hits
1002 Hits

Eradicating youth poverty through agricultural production? The role of foresight

Getting rid of extreme poverty and hunger have always been at the centre of the global development goals. These goals appeared as number one on the list of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) – the precursor of the current Sustainable Development goals (SDGs). On the SDGs list, they are number 1 and 2 among the issues the global community is committed... Continue reading

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  • Sharing Information and connecting people
  998 Hits
998 Hits

Removing the locks: Fostering open data in agriculture

“A lot of times, data are released (or made open) when they are no longer really useful”. That was the view of Summer Allen, a research coordinator in the Markets, Trade and Institutions Division of the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI); and one of the panellists at the Open data for agricultural innovations sessions organised recently by the Global Open... Continue reading

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  • Creating opportunities for policy debate
  778 Hits
778 Hits

Training the trainers: Participatory prospective analysis for forest tenure analysis in Uganda

With a population of close to 35m people, a total area of 241,038 square kilometres, and a forest cover of 4.9 million hectares, which represent just around 14.5% of the total area, Uganda is the most deforested country in East Africa. Besides, between 1990 and 2005, it experienced a 15% decrease in forest cover driven by increased land use for agriculture... Continue reading

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  • Uganda
  • Access to resources and capacity building
  793 Hits
793 Hits

Collaborative Foresight: Finding solutions to youth unemployment in East Africa through agriculture

Agriculture accounts for almost 30% of the average GDP of the economies of East Africa countries (Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi and Ethiopia). It also provides employment and livelihood for more than 40% of people in the region. However, with a combined population of 154.4m people (minus Ethiopia) based on 2014 estimates, and a youth unemployment burden that ranges from 10.7% in Burundi to 17.1% in Kenya –... Continue reading

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  • Creating opportunities for policy debate
  862 Hits
862 Hits

Rejuvenating sustainable agriculture discourses: Increasing youth engagement

Mona Zoghbi, Global Landscapes Forum youth participant. It is counter-productive to discuss agricultural sustainability unless agriculture is made more appealing to today’s youth. Indeed young people are those who have the best capabilities for change on a long term, for a climate-smart agriculture - that’s to say, for a productive agriculture that doesn’t deplete our environment. This was the viewpoint and... Continue reading

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  • Promote agriculture among young people
  946 Hits
946 Hits

The elephant in the room: Agriculture at the UNFCCC negotiations

Farmers and youth are key players in putting agriculture on the agenda in the UN Climate Talks It is not always usual to find such a diverse group from different backgrounds, views and ages come together to discuss issues, especially in a small room. But when farmers, youth and the indigenous people’s representatives sat together with scientists, climate change negotiators and other... Continue reading

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  • Peru
  • Creating opportunities for policy debate
  714 Hits
714 Hits

Youth, the Future of Family Farming

It was the first day of June in the serene and sunny – but slightly windy – city of Montpellier, and from all around the world researchers and academics in the fields of agriculture and family farming were gathered: experts in international development, decision makers, NGOs, as well as farmers organizations’ and private sector representatives. The stage had been set for... Continue reading

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  • France
  • Creating opportunities for policy debate
  782 Hits
782 Hits

Youth Foresight for their future

It was the first day of the Africa Agriculture Science Week (6th edition)– hosted by the Forum for Agricultural Research in Africa (FARA) in Accra, Ghana – and like every other young social reporter/blogger for the conference I was struggling to find my way around the International Conference Centre and locate the venues for the side events I had penciled down... Continue reading
  989 Hits
989 Hits

Social Impediments to Development

Like any other society, there are many unwritten rules, norms or social behavioral codes borne out of culture in Africa – especially in my country Nigeria, for which I can speak out of experience. One of those norms is that a youth does not talk where his elders are talking, he can only watch, listen and observe – even if s/he... Continue reading

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  • Nigeria
  883 Hits
883 Hits

Empowering young farmers: IITA walk the talk

“I have started to realize the importance of youth in the future of a food-secure world… (and) no matter how many new seeds or crops we bring on the market, no matter how many new systems of irrigation, land and water use, cattle breeding systems, food storage improvements…, unless we have young people interested in… agriculture… it will all fail” dixit... Continue reading
  965 Hits
965 Hits

Tending to the real food producers

“45% of households in Africa are led by women…  Women are the source of 80% of food produced in countries stricken by famine and malnutrition… however less than 10% [of these] women can access financial resources for farming.” Those were the words of Dr. Lindiwe Sibanda, the keynote speaker at the side event called “Empowering women and youth for improved productivity... Continue reading

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  • Creating opportunities for policy debate
  1005 Hits
1005 Hits

Future Rural Communities: Will the Youths be there?

Seven years ago, as a fourth year agriculture undergraduate student in the mandatory one year on-farm only period, I was posted with my group to live for 2 weeks in a village that barely existed on the map, lacked access road (we had to pass through a sandstone surface), had no school, no portable water (not even a well), no power,... Continue reading
  1580 Hits
1580 Hits

Firefighter, teacher, pilot…farmer?

  Arguably the most heated topic of discussion in the schoolyards growing up in my home country of Nigeria was, “What are you going to be when you grow up: a teacher? Or a farmer?” As far as I remember, the number of guys wanting to be a teacher always far outweighed those wanting to be a farmer — and that... Continue reading

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  • Promote agriculture among young people
  920 Hits
920 Hits

Food loss and waste: a threat to sustainability

“Almost 1.2 billion people are going hungry in the world; a third of those are in Africa and sadly a lot of those are actually farmers themselves.” Those were the portentous words of Sean de Cleene, a senior vice president of Yara International (a leading fertilizer company based in Norway with businesses in Africa) and member of the World Economic Forum’s ‘New Vision for Agriculture’... Continue reading
  1188 Hits
1188 Hits

Youth Involvement in Agriculture: The Image Factor (Nigerian story/perspective)

Years ago, I asked a friend whose father was first an agriculturist before becoming a politician (a serving senator) how his father got rich, and he told me pointedly that “through farming”. Ever inquisitive, I asked “How?” and his response was “Bunmi, if you go into real agriculture, though you might struggle for some time, but once you become established then... Continue reading

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  • Nigeria
  • Promote agriculture among young people
  897 Hits
897 Hits

Use of wastewater in Agriculture:The Nagging Dilemma

Next time you pass by a surface run-off, stream or polluted river with its heavy load of human, domestic, industrial and municipal waste, instead of covering your nose to ward off the stench you will do well to observe the kind of wastes in those waters, because a sizeable portion (20% global average) of what you eat come from plants irrigated... Continue reading
  1155 Hits
1155 Hits