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FAO gives Students the floor to bring Youth Perspectives to Policy makers on Agri-Biotechnology

On the occasion of the international symposium: The Role of Agricultural Biotechnologies in Sustainable Food Systems and Nutrition, a special interactive youth session was co-organized by Office of Partnerships, Advocacy and Capacity Development (OPC) of FAO and YPARD : the “Young Professionals for Agricultural Development” network. Seven universities from around the world grasped the chance to follow and contribute the symposium... Continue reading
  780 Hits
780 Hits

WHYFARM-The Farm that Grows a Farmerpreneur

The main concern remains that the average age of the farmers in the Caribbean is above 45 years and many are actually over 60 years (Greene 2010).  In a study entitled Youth in Agriculture- Challenges and Opportunities, the average age of farmers in the Caribbean is 55 years and the life expectancy in the region averages about 65 to 70 years... Continue reading
  927 Hits
927 Hits

10 years of YPARD! What have we learned and where are we going?

In 2016 YPARD is celebrating ten years since its official launch at the GFAR Triennial meeting in New Delhi, November 2006.  It was born from the challenges facing young professionals in agricultural development and the need for a support structure. This year is the occasion to celebrate YPARD’s 10 year achievements and reaffirm our focus on supporting youth in today’s fast-paced,... Continue reading
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0 Hits

Removing the locks: Fostering open data in agriculture

“A lot of times, data are released (or made open) when they are no longer really useful”. That was the view of Summer Allen, a research coordinator in the Markets, Trade and Institutions Division of the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI); and one of the panellists at the Open data for agricultural innovations sessions organised recently by the Global Open... Continue reading
  778 Hits
778 Hits

Welcoming YPARD Lebanon Country Representative:Malak Tleis

We are delighted to welcome our very first YPARD Country representative for Lebanon: Malak Tleis Malak hails from  a rural area in Lebanon. Her passion for agriculture started way before she can remember and its the same passion that drove her to go towards agriculture studies. She holds an Agricultural Engineering degree from Lebanese University with a specialization in Plant Production... Continue reading
  1094 Hits
1094 Hits