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YPARD Serbia: Exploring the views – organic farmers

One of YPARD Serbia’s mission is to strive and connect young farmers and students in agriculture, facing problems and trying to find a feasible solution. After many interviews with young professionals in agriculture, there was one highlighted challenge as the most important – market access. YPARD Serbia is contributing to solving this problem step by step. The first action was connecting... Continue reading
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937 Hits

International Forum on Food and Nutrition (9th edition)

On November 27th and 28th 2018, the International Forum on Food and Nutrition (9th edition) organized by Barilla Center for Food and Nutrition (BCFN) was once again back in Milan, Italy! This important event brings sustainability expert speakers from all over the world, providing also a stage for the young, media and the good practices to generate the real change required for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals set... Continue reading
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860 Hits

FAO gives Students the floor to bring Youth Perspectives to Policy makers on Agri-Biotechnology

On the occasion of the international symposium: The Role of Agricultural Biotechnologies in Sustainable Food Systems and Nutrition, a special interactive youth session was co-organized by Office of Partnerships, Advocacy and Capacity Development (OPC) of FAO and YPARD : the “Young Professionals for Agricultural Development” network. Seven universities from around the world grasped the chance to follow and contribute the symposium... Continue reading
  781 Hits
781 Hits

Aiding Rural Women to Stand Up for Gender Equality

Despite the many societal prejudices of our era, despite the usual stereotypes, women in reality are equally resilient, skilled and capable as men. The end of the male-biased era means more women succeeding in politics, agriculture, business, and even more successful female scientists, educators, and leaders. The success of women can be unquestionably ascribed to the environment where women’s rights are... Continue reading
  814 Hits
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