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WHYFARM-The Farm that Grows a Farmerpreneur

The main concern remains that the average age of the farmers in the Caribbean is above 45 years and many are actually over 60 years (Greene 2010).  In a study entitled Youth in Agriculture- Challenges and Opportunities, the average age of farmers in the Caribbean is 55 years and the life expectancy in the region averages about 65 to 70 years ( Lalji 2009). Lalji went on to conclude that “if young farmers do not replace the ageing farmers then agriculture within the region would be at stake in the next 10 to 15 years”. 

Recent studies done by the Foundation for Young Farmers have shown that the agricultural sector is dominated by elderly people (over 50 years) and this undermines the future growth and development of this sector. Pulling in young population will ensure future sustainability of the industry hence increasing employment rate and income of the majority of the rural households.

By 2050, the population is expected to be 9 billion people. In 35 years’ time, 10 year olds (NOW) will be 45 years of age. They are the ones that Will be responsible for farming. Therefore there must be some new approaches to ensure that they take up this task in order to ensure we are food secure.  

WHYFARM-The Solution

We introduce WHYFARM, a not-for-profit ,organization that was developed to help young men and women capitalize on the opportunities and overcome the challenges in the agriculture industry by becoming stronger leaders and more dynamic voices in their local communities. WHYFARM was developed to re-brand young existing farmers and create new ones for the food challenges faced in the 21st century.

Mission Statement
To help young farmers farm more efficiently and effectively in order to create the next generation of farmers and farmerpreneurs as well as develop bold, disruptive innovations that help solve the greatest challenge facing our collective future: food security.

Vision Statement
To develop and re-brand New Farmerpreneurs Annually.

Growing Future Feeders from the Ground up

WHYFARM takes on two responsibilities.

  • A social responsibility to answer the question WHYFARM
  • Help You-th Farm.

To ensure the"SustainAGRIlty" of this initiative we started"AGRIman Fan Club"for kids to ensure that  there is continuity of  practical, fun and creative activities to engage the members in"Agri-EduTainment"
WHYFARM seeks to foster a commitment to agricultural development that promotes a sense of hope for the future in a sustainable and food secure economy.Our primary objective is to develop a new generation of food producers by using innovative Agricultural Educational Entertainment strategies to capture the youth starting with their thought process to influence their decision making with regards to food security.

WHYFARM believes they have found their new way of reaching out to potential future feeders through there AGRI-EDUtainment. Our aspirations are to eventually have this adventure as a cartoon series to air live on television globally. In addition, we are developing a Farm-acist who can build a Farm-acy where the Farm-aceuiticals produced is used by all Farm-ilies who then becomes Farm-iliar with Far-ming: this should secure of Food Future.

For more information on WHYFARM Please feel free to contact me on any of the channels below;

Ph (C): 1868 382 5780  |  Email: 该邮件地址已受到反垃圾邮件插件保护。要显示它需要在浏览器中启用 JavaScript。
Skype: alpha.sennon  |  Fb. whyfarm
LinkedIn: alpha.sennon   Website
Twitter @whyfarmit  IG whyfarmit




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