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YPARD now part of the GFAR Steering Committee

YPARD has been working to engage youth in the decision making processes in the agricultural development sector. Bringing youth representatives to boards, steering and advisory committees is one way of ensuring that youth are an active part of the sector and to encourage youth involvement in programme development.  We are thus, pleased to report that the Global Forum for Agricultural Research... Continue reading
  788 Hits
788 Hits

Use of wastewater in Agriculture:The Nagging Dilemma

Next time you pass by a surface run-off, stream or polluted river with its heavy load of human, domestic, industrial and municipal waste, instead of covering your nose to ward off the stench you will do well to observe the kind of wastes in those waters, because a sizeable portion (20% global average) of what you eat come from plants irrigated... Continue reading
  1156 Hits
1156 Hits