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Training the trainers: Participatory prospective analysis for forest tenure analysis in Uganda

With a population of close to 35m people, a total area of 241,038 square kilometres, and a forest cover of 4.9 million hectares, which represent just around 14.5% of the total area, Uganda is the most deforested country in East Africa. Besides, between 1990 and 2005, it experienced a 15% decrease in forest cover driven by increased land use for agriculture... Continue reading
  794 Hits
794 Hits

Madhu Sudhan Ghimire: Getting Nepal on the Road to Resilient Recovery

In this guest blog post, Madhu Sudhan Ghimire, an agriculture student from Nepal urges for action to be taken to support rural communities and farmers, to avoid a food crisis in the country following the recent earthquake. This post is part of the Young Professionals for Agricultural Development (YPARD) network’s ongoing partnership with Farming First. It was Saturday 25th of April 2015: a normal day when... Continue reading
  784 Hits
784 Hits