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The GYOOGH project at the YPARD Armenia Café

One of the most joyful projects that were presented at the YPARD Global Café Yerevan was the Gyoogh project which is being implemented by the young and active people. Anna Danielyan who is a cofounder of this active project presented the objectives of their initiative.

Gyoogh organizes unique village tours, quests, intellectual games for tourists and locals, in partnership with people from remote villages. It provides steady revenues and job opportunities in these villages. The project takes efforts to connect participants with Armenian traditions and culture. The main target villages are Buzhakan, Semyonovka, Meghradzor, Lushashogh, Verin Khotanan, Karenis, Aragats and Gusanagyugh.

The young group of patriots emphasize proportional development of rural and urban communities. The project is 100% committed to tourism development, service improvement, self-fulfilment, self-disclosure and personal growth.

The main activities that are being implemented so far are:

  1. Group events, organized in villages,
  2. Team-building (individual service for each organization).
  3. The group events are organized considering the preferences of the group.
  4. The program they organize includes
  5. Rural games (new tourist service),
  6. Historical, cultural and other group activities

The project has its special investment in solving issues like the lack of diversity in tourist attractions, the scarcity of revenue and job opportunities for people living in remote villages as well as culture deprivation.

In the end, it turned out that one of the participants was a customer of Gyoogh and she could make a high-quality assessment on the positive development of program judging from her own experience.

Picture credit: YPARD Armenia

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