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Welcoming the new YPARD Netherlands communications focal point: Maya Turolla

Maya Turolla grew up in Venice, where she first studied Anthropology at the Cà Foscari University. She moved to the Netherlands to continue her studies at the Radboud University, where she completed a Master’s degree in Anthropology and Development Studies and two minors (Public Administration and Conflict Studies). 

Her research interests shifted from anthropology migration (MSc) to development studies, as she elaborated a research project on rural development policies and practices. Maya first went on an explorative field trip to Peru, where she studied the value chain of quinoa, then designed her PhD proposal around the development policies for youths in agribusiness in Uganda. 

In collaboration with the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture in Kampala, she has carried out extensive multi-sited fieldwork research throughout Uganda: she has evaluated the implementation of two different development approaches for youths in agribusiness, from the perspectives of development actors and young beneficiaries. 

She is currently bringing to an end her PhD within a partnership programme in between the faculties of Political and Social Studies of the University of Bologna and the Radboud University.

She has been an active member of YPARD since 2016, after attending the GCARD3 in Johannesburg – an event that initiated her to active participation in the global network of young agricultural enthusiasts. Before entering the YPARD family Maya has shown her commitment to the environment and sustainability by being a member and taking action within WWF, Greenpeace and SlowFood networks. 

About herself, Maya says: “I was born and bred in Italy, adopted and based in the Netherlands, I’m an insatiable traveller, nosy anthropologist, agrifood nerd. I’m curious about everything around food: it’s production, distribution, culinary traditions, and tastes. Becoming the new communication focal point for YPARD Netherlands is a great opportunity for me to fulfil my dedication to agriculture and youths’ engagement in this sector!" 

I would like to help in broadening the critical mass of YPARD Netherlands, reaching out to more students, professionals, enthusiasts, activists who can enrich the network and inspire each other. But also, I hope that more people can benefit from the networking and professional opportunities that YPARD offers.”

If you are from or based in the Netherlands, and want to get involved in YPARD Netherlands activities, please contact Maya at 该邮件地址已受到反垃圾邮件插件保护。要显示它需要在浏览器中启用 JavaScript。


Picture credit: Maya Turolla

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