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Welcoming YPARD Europe Communications and Fund Raising Officer : Stacy Hammond

We are delighted to welcome the YPARD Europe Communications and Fund Raising officer Stacy Hammond

Stacy is a 2014 graduate of Agroforestry Engineering at URACCAN (Nicaragua) and a Master’s in Tropical Crop Management and Ecology at the Czech University of Life Sciences Prague (CULS).She is currently a Ph.D. student at CULS with focus on tropical agrobiology and bioresource management.

Stacy’s range of agricultural interests from agroforestry to crop management led her to focus on conservation of plant genetic resources in collaboration with Crop Research Institute in Prague, where she works on developing cryopreservation protocols to preserve plant genetic material. With her academic knowledge, she aims to establish a farm using eco-friendly agricultural practices and set an example for local farmers in her hometown.Over the past few years, Stacy had volunteered with a number of agricultural organizations in her hometown and helped local farmers improve their agronomical practices and production systems. She also formed her own environmental youth group with approximately 30 members and taught young adolescents about the importance of natural resources. Both these experiences have inspired her to join YPARD to work with young agricultural professionals and bring agricultural opportunity closer to them.

She considers the role of YPARD Europe Communications and Fund Raising officer a challenging one given that it is her first work experience but she is also excited as the role brings with it an opportunity to learn and grow as a young professional. She sees YPARD as a practical and handy platform for young agricultural professionals across Europe.

Her main focus will be the use of the YPARD platform to promote youth involvement in agriculture and stimulate fresh thinking and innovation in the field.

We can’t wait to hear more on YPARD Europe Communications and Fund Raising from Stacy Hammond. 

Welcome on board Stacy Hammond!


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