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Welcoming YPARD Mongolia Representative: Anudari Enkhtur

We are delighted to welcome our very first YPARD Country representative Mongolia: Anudari Enkhtur

Anudari is a graduate of Agricultural and Applied Economics from the Faculty of Economics and Businesses from the Mongolian University of Life Sciences. Currently, she is pursuing a master’s  degree in the field of International and Development Economics at the Faculty of Tropical Agrisciences, Czech University of Life Sciences Prague. Her research topic is focused on the Impact of agricultural cooperatives on small scale vegetable farmer’s livelihood in the central part of Mongolia. 

She is especially interested and passionate about institutional economics, poverty alleviation strategies, agriculture and youth involvement in the development sector.As a young person, she has been involved in many youth summits and conferences to help raise the voice on topics of environmental protection and agriculture development. 

Her first interaction with the global youth was in her high school where she went to the “Voyage to the future: Protecting the environment” students summit in the Philippines and Japan in 2011. Since that time, she has continously been engaged in many campaigns, social clubs and movements in her country. 

During her university years, she co-founded a “Young Economist in the Agriculture” students club where she served as a president for one and half years. This experience has helped her to develop her leadership skills and form a network of young people in the university. 

She had this to say on the account of joining YPARD:

“I believe in cooperation of young people. There is a certain wave in Mongolia filled with bureaucracy and unwillingness to cooperate with each other at the present time. Bringing young people together, growing together and moving forward at the same speed will certainly be a big push for a brighter future of Mongolia.

“YPARD gives me chance not only to provide network for youth in Mongolia, but also a chance to inform the rest of the YPARD network and world about agriculture in Mongolia”. I strongly believe that every story is worth telling. In the future I will work more to deliver good, exciting and wise stories both for Mongolia and YPARD network. This way, Mongolian youth in the agriculture sector will certainly be “a drop of water in the sea. Also, i can’t wait to inform young farmers, researchers, students and professionals in the agricultural sector about the events and opportunities that they can take part in.

As social media is widely used amongst youth in both urban and rural areas YPARD is a good fit to better partnership in Mongolia. 

I will do everything within my capacity to make youth in Mongolia, to feel the same enthusiasm, passion, excitement and warmth that I have felt from YPARD since joining”. 

We can’t wait to hear more from the Youth-in-Agriculture in Mongolian as we trust that YPARD Mongolia will be successful in mobilizing the youth through Anudari's leadership.

Welcome on board Anudari Enkhtur!

If you are from or based in Mongolia, and want to get involved in YPARD Mongolia activities, please contact Anudari at 该邮件地址已受到反垃圾邮件插件保护。要显示它需要在浏览器中启用 JavaScript。

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