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Welcoming YPARD Portugal representative: Carlos Silva

Carlos Silva, YPARD Portugal representativeWe are delighted to welcome YPARD new national representative for Portugal: Carlos Silva.

Carlos has a degree in Biology and a master in Environmental contamination and toxicology. After finishing his studies at the University of Porto, Portugal he moved to Lisbon to work in Genetics applied to Agriculture. Then, after two years working in investigation, he started to work in knowledge and technology transfer, bridging the gap between research and agribusiness.

Carlos currently works in the SKAN project. An initiative that delivers an integrative approach by providing tools and solutions for the establishment of projects in consortium, as well as by promoting collaboration between the different stakeholders working in the agrifood and forestry sectors.

“This project gives me the opportunity of making the match between the needs of the industry and the current and potential amount of knowledge and technology that lies on the Academia. Moreover it lets me work not only for Portugal but also for the Portuguese-speaking countries in Africa (Angola, Mozambique, Cape Verde, etc.) and in Latin America.”

Carlos was born in the countryside in the North of Portugal and his father always worked in the farming sector. “I grew up with agriculture around me and now I have the chance to append my scientific background with my life experience before going to the University.”

Being YPARD Portugal representative constitutes a new challenge for Carlos in order for the youth to contribute to a transforming agriculture in Portugal.

“My goal is to involve a growing community of young people working in agriculture in Portugal and put all these capable young people learning and sharing experiences not only in Portugal but also with the rest of the European community.

We have such a great challenge with a growing population and the increasing demand for food. As in the past, agriculture will become (and is already becoming) a hot topic in the next years. I expect nowadays young generation will rise to the challenges of the coming decades and I want to give my little contribution to solve the world problems using our primary activity of all times: agriculture.  

Thank you very much for giving me the opportunity of trying to mobilize the young community working in agriculture in Portugal into YPARD!”

Welcome on Board, Carlos & let’s bring a stronger YPARD Portugal!

If you are from or based in Portugal, and want to get involved in YPARD Portugal activities, please contact Carlos at 该邮件地址已受到反垃圾邮件插件保护。要显示它需要在浏览器中启用 JavaScript。.

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