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Welcoming YPARD Venezuela New Country Representative: Saúl Elías López

 By: Saúl Elías López

My name is Saúl Elías López, I am an Agricultural Engineer from the Central University of Venezuela as well as a Master in Rural Development with mention in Agricultural Economics. I am the president of the Venezuelan Society of Agricultural Engineers where I have been involved since 2019.

I have worked with different national NGOs (ENFOAGRO, EDEPA) and international (CSAYN, IICA, FAO), I have specialized in my professional performance in climate-smart agriculture and agriculture 4.0 as CEO of the Agro-Consultancy Siagrica promoting technological adoption in Venezuela to improve the productivity and sustainability of our food systems.

I firmly believe that we can break the generation gap in rural areas by incorporating young people into productive activity, and future Extension Professionals with the new vision of regenerative agriculture based on the Bioeconomy. My main motivation is to leave a mark on young people living in rural areas, so that they understand the importance they have in preserving the planet and in the sustainable development of their communities, seeing agriculture as a way of life.

Welcome to the YPARD Team Saúl!

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2024年9月22日, 星期日

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