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Welcoming YPARD Zambia New Co-Country Representative: Charles Anayawa

By: Charles Anayawa

Charles Anayawa holds a bachelor's Degree in Information and Communications Technology with Geography from the University of Zambia. Charles is an environmental activist and data/community management expert. He is well equipped with community development and environmental restoration skills. He also offers advocacy in eco systems protection and indigenous seed and food conservation.

Charles started his career in 2017 working as a data clerk for the Ministry of Agriculture, managing seeds and farmers data, after which he decided to pursue his bachelor's degree in Information and Communications Technology with Geography. While working there, he gained skills in community engagement, management and data management. Charles later joined the Education Development Center as a data assistant and acquired remarkable project and data management skills as well as community management skills.

Charles joined several youth groups that work towards climate action. He got admitted to the Young African Landscapes Leadership Program and joined a network of many other young people fighting degradation and climate change. Charles joined the IMPAAKT platform and harnessed a number of professional systems used in assessing the climate impact caused by various companies and their investments.

As a community mobilization supporter, Charles joined the Eco-Rising Team, to promote the involvement of community members in telling their agricultural and climate action stories through podcasts. This particular phase of his journey empowered him with abilities in story telling and community building skills. Partnering with local farmers and hearing their stories has been something that has really brought about a huge dimension shift and taught Charles to approach problem solving with total involvement from all stakeholders so that their needs are fully met.

Charles founded a climate action organization called the Ardor Consortium, that operates to bring on board various stakeholders in the fight against pollution and climate change. In leading the Ardor Consortium, Charles also made innovations in waste management by using food waste for agricultural development and thereby reducing the greenhouse gas emissions. There are also a number of young farmers that have no platform and enough skills to join the agricultural conservation and innovation journey and Charles finds pleasure in helping them reach their goal.

Charles founded a climate action organization called the Ardor Consortium, that operates to bring on board various stakeholders in the fight against pollution and climate change. In leading the Ardor Consortium, Charles also made innovations in waste management by using food waste for agricultural development and thereby reducing the greenhouse gas emissions. There are also a number of young farmers that have no platform and enough skills to join the agricultural conservation and innovation journey and Charles finds pleasure in helping them reach their goal. 

In his career, as a well-equipped young agricultural development practitioner, Charles works with other several young farmers in Zambia to forge indigenous and innovative ways of securing food systems for sustainable development without compromising the needs of the future generations. The sustainable development goals are meant to be achieved by and through everyone for the world to gain stability, that is why Charles aims to see the climate action and Zero hunger SDGs achieved by 2030 as well as all other SDGs.

Charles has been dedicated and committed to work with both international and local organizations to bring about community transformation and strengthened food security. Charles is ready to take up the role of YPARD co-country representative for Zambia and bring on board young farmers who will play a big role in the agricultural development of the world. 

 Welcome to the YPARD Team Charles!

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