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Welcoming YPARD Morocco New Co-Country Representative: Assia Hayfa

By: Assia Hayfa

A friend told me this: "What else can develop, and enrich Africa if it's not Agriculture and its Youth?"

Around the crops I play, the shoes are colored by dust. This was exactly my summer childhood. I grew up in a small farming town, raised by an agricultural engineer father and a loving mother who was fascinated by plants. Unknowingly and indirectly, I was emerged and inspired by the agricultural field.

I am Assia Hayfa, from Morocco, an agricultural engineer in plant pathology from the Agronomic and Veterinary Institute Hassan II, Morocco.I am passionate about providing solutions to improve crop health and maximize crop production, while respecting the environment, with a focus on developing resilient agriculture and a food system. I am currently working as a research & development engineer, improving the crop production system and its process through experimentation and innovation.

My interest in self-discovery and serving communities has brought me to work for over 5 years in NGOs, dedicated to Social Entrepreneurship, Human Empowerment, Agriculture, and Climate Change Adaptation, national and internationally. My experience in working in different departments: project, finance partnership, and communication; allowed me to develop a lot of skills in terms of team working, internal and external communication, project leadership, and management.

My journey in NGOs has given me the chance to see the world through people's eyes, and develop my big interest, care and responsibility towards developing my community, Morocco, Africa and the world.

Through my active participation in many sustainable projects that contribute to the SDGs, I have been able to use my field of study and knowledge to empower smallholder farmers and enable youth, and women to use their great potential to positively impact their communities as well as see the opportunities where they are. I believe one of Mankind's successes and empowerment is humanity's success.

Plus my professional career, I am currently as communication Manager of The Adaptation Think Tank of The International Association of students in Agricultural and related Sciences, which is a Hub of Young Professionals who are optimistic about a sustainable future, and are passionate about youth empowerment and promotion, development and implementation innovative adaptation solutions to Climate change in the world.

The opportunity to be a Co-Country Representative of YPARD in my country, Morocco, will allow me to empower myself as well as a large number of extraordinary young professionals who have the capacity to innovate and create solutions that will surely change many things in the agricultural field and food systems. The future is in the youth and children of today. The YPARD Morocco will be an area of national and international exchange, capacity building, and youth empowerment.

I am excited and grateful for this opportunity, I am willing to put my heart and soul to bring together with youth plenty of opportunities to the Food system and Agriculture. 

We are happy to start this new journey with you, welcome Assia!

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