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YPARD Albania: 1000 reasons why food matters

On February 1st at the Stephen Center, in Tirana, the Albanian capital, students and professors from primary / Middle school of “Siri Kodra” in Tirana and experts were united together to understand and explain 1000 Reasons Why Food Matters.

Many points were touched during this event sponsored by the Swedish Institute.

Entoni Rasku a food expert who studied at the University of Gastronomic Sciences of Pollenzo, in Italy and member of YPARD Albania, with a very good background in the food industry, initiated this event and held his speech in which food, environment, and rural development were enlightened, by him and other speeches of experts. Gilbert Vigani working at the municipality of Tirana moderated and organized this event.

Invited experts were reconsidering the importance of traditional practice in shaping the environment, and how should be kept alive the culture, tradition, and feeling for a determined field or sector of our life. Tradition is important to be transmitted to the next generation, and this culture has to pass the reflection of its past to the young generations.

Entoni, focused his speech on the connections between food and 2030 sustainable development goals (SDGs) of the United Nations. He underlined the importance of “thinking as one system” and how the youth can help Albania i n gender equality and women empowerment through food.

As well the expert and advisor in rural development of GIZ Albania, Olaf Haub, has spoken about rural and food production. Kristaq Sini, professor, and expert from the Agricultural University of Tirana was invited for his presentation on nutrition and health.

The event was also attended by representatives of the Swedish embassy in Albania and Bledar Meta the country representative of YPARD Albania. They have seen also the participation of another interesting guess like Alice Taylor a food blogger that lives in Albania.

The student and teachers were directly involved at the event, and everything concluded with a cooking workshop at Albania Gastronomy Academy (AGA) about healthy Albanian traditional food, where the Chef Armand Kikino explains the importance of seasonal fresh food.

Picture credit: Bledar Meta

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