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YPARD Europe is partnering with the AgriSciences Platform (AgriSci-UA)

We are happy to announce our new partnership with the AgriSciences Platform for Scientific Enhancement of Higher Education Institutions in Ukraine.

The AgriSciences Platform aims to strengthen the capacities and cooperation of young teachers, researchers, masters and doctoral students at selected Ukrainian universities by creating a platform – AgriSciences Platform for sharing information on Agrarian Sciences.

Through the partnership with YPARD Europe, there can be expected further promotion of agricultural sciences among young professionals and further enhancement of quality of AgriSciences research as well as the exchange of information, exchange of stories, cross-posting and sharing of relevant contributions and information. All of which can lead to a bigger impact and can connect more young researchers, professionals and practitioners.

“I am very happy about this partnership, as YPARD Europe is the next logical step for the AgriSciences Platform to reach a bigger audience and playing a more prominent role in the field of AgriSciences,” says Dr. Hynek Roubík, founder of the AgriSciences Platform and Group leader of the Biogas Research Team at the Czech University of Life Sciences Prague, Czech Republic. “I can´t wait on all the mutual benefits this partnership is creating” closes Dr. Roubík.

“IYPARD Europe has been fostering youth engagement in sustainable food systems and agriculture in 20 countries in Europe. Collaborating with AgriSciences Platform will be a great step in supporting young professionals and early career researchers in Ukraine and the surrounding region”  says Dr. Libuška Mercl, YPARD Europe coordinator. “By sharing relevant information we can transfer valuable knowledge between young people in agriculture and enable them to shape sustainable agricultural systems which is one of the core objectives of YPARD” adds Dr. Mercl.

Stay tuned to hear more about the new YPARD Europe – AgriSciences Platform partnership!

Picture credit: YPARD Europe

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