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YPARD Kenya Grateful for YPARD Pilot Mentoring Workshop & Programme

YPARD Mentoring Program officially launched!

YPARD Kenya was proud to host the pilot Mentorship Programme on 4 – 6 June, 2015 at Desmond Tutu Centre in Westlands Nairobi, Kenya convened by YPARD Global Coordination Unit in collaboration with AWARD.

The programme saw the convening of 15 mentors and 15 mentees from all over the country as well as from diverse sectors and institutions. The mentors and mentees undertook a 3-day intensive induction on how to engage in a healthy, informative and educative mentorship programme. Click here to read the final report detailing the daily events of the 3 days’ workshop. More about individual mentors and mentees can be found on their individual profiles. Keep checking where we'll keep bringing more stories to you.

YPARD Kenya underscores the importance of linking upcoming young professionals in the agricultural sector with personalities that have made it in the sector to enable networking and knowledge sharing. YPARD Kenya highly regards this initiative and we envisage building a stronger network in the country that will replicate the key lessons learned from the programme soon after its completion in June 2016.

Our appreciation goes to YPARD Global Coordination Unit for choosing Kenya to pilot the programme, AWARD for accepting to be a great partner and YPARD Kenya members for applying to take part in the programme. We hope to upscale the initiative in the future so as to accommodate more and more people in our growing YPARD membership in Kenya.

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