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YPARD Pakistan 10years Celebration of Youth Empowerment in Agriculture

A few weeks back a program was organized in four major cities of Pakistan namely Karachi, Lahore, Islamabad and Faisalabad.

The program was meant to celebrate the 10 years of success for YPARD which proved to be highly inspirational amongst the youth. Few years back, an instructor approached me via social media inviting me to participate as an aspirant in an organization named ‘YPARD’. Since that day, YPARD placed me as one of the YPARD family member and i enjoyed each steps towards the development and sustainability of youth in agriculture by getting complete support of our country representative and core team member of YPARD.

In the last one year, i realized the true value of our farmers and the value of agriculture in human lives. I got the chance to work with our country representative who is a great inspiration as whole for all young YPARDIANS. She taught us how to work on selfdevelopment as a person and prove ourselv es that you have everything at your disposal to make your world green. Many small programs have been organized by local team efforts for women and youth empowernent and we gave them voice to convey the message through this platform (YPARD).

YPARD10Years Celebrations

Celebration of 10years of youth empowerment in agriculture was a dream of our country representative to dedicate a day to the entire youth by organizing a program with the collaboration of our local partners. The idea was to appreciate the young professionals and young Ypardians across the country for their hard work to establish a platform for youth and especially a strong one for our women. The story begun with a mission to promote youth as future farmers and key source to reduce poverty.  In this respect, among the Ypardians in Pakistan, we designed the event according to our provincial based Ypard group,  a few of participants organized a group on social network and every member took active part in it. It was the YPARD 10 years of celebration in which youth and young professionals were given great opportunity to nourish their inner talents and exchange their knowledge and it was great to observe how youths were encouraged to share their innovative ideas with one another.

YPARD 10years of celebration has been the most encouraging event to be staged and was informative regarding the field of agriculture. The well experienced senior colleagues of YPARD Pakistan have inspired the youth by sharing their intellectual thoughts and ideas. The more excitement begin from making unique and thoughtful placards by the all YPARDIAN,s on YPARDS 10years of celebration. The communication between YPARD with Ypardians were excitement and pleasurable and we resolve a number of questions which were in our minds.

YPARD Pakistan Mandate

YPARD Pakistan goal is to support and encourage anyone who wishes to develop agriculture in Pakistan and throughout the world. YPARD Pakistan motivates youth and young professionals including farmers to attain qualitative education which could in turn help providing creativity and a better understanding of agriculture resulting in better and more agricultural products in Pakistan. The chapter has played a vital role in the success of YPARD by creating great opportunities for everyone to participate in the development of agricultural sector. The work of YPARD was appreciable thereof youth were inspired by a couple of YPARD senior members especially madam Shahla salah, who is a great mentor for all of us. In essence, Ypard Pakistan core committee members have given us authentic and scientific knowledge at the field of agriculture.

On a personal level, this is one of the most encouraging and motivational programs, and now I have come to know how we can improve the agricultural sector in Pakistan. In this program I realized I had been deprived of many great things in agriculture and by the virtue of this program I got to know about many aspects of agricultural development. I sincerely believe that it can help farmers improve their productivity immensely. Being a student of agriculture, I felt the three days’ workshop arranged by YPARD Pakistan during the 10years celebration to spread the knowledge under the title of ‘Agritourism Business Development’ was very informative. YPARD has provided great chances to youth to show their talent. If the enthusiastic youth and experienced YPARD walk hand in hand, development in agriculture would be inevitable.

It really feels great to be a part of such an outstanding organization. When I realized the real potential of YPARD and how it helps create opportunities for youth and young professionals towards a better platform, I accepted the opportunity and started doing my best with the help of such great encouragement by most of the senior members of YPARD. It really brought a big change in my thoughts regarding agriculture. Now I believe that I can do better and better. It is really a great opportunity in my life working on such a brilliant platform. Being part of YPARD family is an honor me and I will give my best to prove my participation worthy of the opportunity.

All participants are grateful to ypard Pakistan for the certification which is huge for all ypardians being appreciated by honourable senior members of YPARD Pakistan.


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