YPARD Organised the YPARD Meeting of Local and Regional Representatives and Capacity Building Workshop Hosted by VIT University October 11-16, 2010.
Aim of Workshop
The roles of the regions were discussed in depth and it was decided that more responsibility will be provided to the regions to undertake projects that are of interest to the YPs in the respective regions. There was a lot of interest in prospective activities such as capacity building, the involvement of YPs in key ARD discussions, online networking, peer to peer and junior to senior mentoring programmes and several more!
It was decided that more effort needs to be made on the website to ensure that members are kept informed on activities in the regions and the encouragement of YPARD members to fill out their profiles so that we are better able to target them with news, opportunities and e-discussions relating to them.
The end of the workshop saw the official launch of each of the regional websites: Africa, Asia and LAC. Each region will also now develop their action plan for the activities that they intend to undertake in their respective regions.
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