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Zoom on YPARD Iran Activity 2013

YPARD Iran team!
YPARD Iran has worked with Kimiyaye Sabz NGO since April 2013. We have contributed to Eco- friendly Agriculture group of Kimiyaye Sabz NGO in Markazi province (a province in center of Iran). This office has held special English workshop about agriculture and environment for students and graduated persons in these fields. Indeed language barrier was identified as a limitation in Iran for stronger agricultural development. That workshop was held in last August and September during 10 sessions. The teacher of the workshop was Dr. Mhamadreza Davari (YPARD representative in Iran). During those sessions, participants were thaught about English to Persian translation, Persian to English translation and grammar.
The aim of the workshop was to bring awareness of special English idioms about agriculture and environment, so that participants be able to use internet sources like YPARD website.  YPARD Iran and Kimiyaye Sabzs (Green Alchemy) NGO delivered diplomas to participants who could pass the final exam.
In addition YPARD Iran held a 2 day camping program in Matinabad Ecocamp, in the summer of 2013. Matinabad is the greatest eco-friendly tourism place in Iran. There were 25 members of YPARD Iran; most of them were agriculture specialists familiar with organic farm, sunflowers, pomegranate garden, ostrich breeding. During campground, members went to Ghalhar country where they could observe the productions and talk with farmers about their problems, which they were familiar to. They gave farmers suggestions for improvement of productions quality.
The next YPARD programme in 2013 was a 1 day campground to Fadak organic farm of Qom. That farm was made of 30 hectares olive garden, olive nursery, hay farm and animal husbandry. During that trip YPARD Iran and Kimiyaye Sabz NGO’s certificate of appreciation was presented to Mr. Bolandnazar for 30 years hardwork. Participants were able to learn from Mr. Bolandnazar's inventions.
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