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A GREEN LIST of African Useful Plants

A GREEN LIST of African Useful Plants

Nearly seven hundred review articles on over fifteen hundred African timber species and medicinal plants were recently added by the PROTA Foundation (Plant Resources of Tropical Africa) to its already extensive information system on cereals&pulses, vegetables, dyes&tanins and vegetable oils. The information is indispensable for achieving sustainable forest management and for developing safe and affordable plant-based medicines. The PROTA web database is freely accessible; books and CD ROMs cheaply available. They are an indispensable tool for decision makers in government, industry, research, education, vocational training and rural development.

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Source: Wageningen Update magazine, 1/09


A GREEN LIST of African Useful Plants

Nearly seven hundred review articles on over fifteen hundred African timber species and medicinal plants were recently added by the PROTA Foundation (Plant Resources of Tropical Africa) to its already extensive information system on cereals&pulses, vegetables, dyes&tanins and vegetable oils. The information is indispensable for achieving sustainable forest management and for developing safe and affordable plant-based medicines. The PROTA web database is freely accessible; books and CD ROMs cheaply available. They are an indispensable tool for decision makers in government, industry, research, education, vocational training and rural development.

More information: 该邮件地址已受到反垃圾邮件插件保护。要显示它需要在浏览器中启用 JavaScript。

Source: Wageningen Update magazine, 1/09