The Kenyan blogger Shamim writes about her experiences while working at Heifer Uganda in her blog "from one generation to the next" (November, 30).
The Kenyan blogger Shamim writes about her experiences while working at Heifer Uganda in her blog "from one generation to the next" (November, 30).
Shamim blogs about the challenge to involve youth in agriculture, and the idea behind the work she did at Heifer to meet tackle this challenge.
She writes:"The Challenge: How do we get the youth interested in farming vs. office jobs and change their perception from viewing it as a dirty job for old people deep in the village to one that can be a source of livelihood and food security, a means to create jobs, and opportunity to make Uganda a food basket for the region?"
On December 3, she posted a follow up "Youth & Farming Trend". This blog references to an article published by the Guardian containing a series of photographs portraying farmers in Africa.
"Researchers (...) of the Consultative Group on Agricultural Research and the University of Oxford's Environmental Change Institute recently held a series of workshops in east and west Africa to find out what matters to farmers, how they perceive their present and future challenges and how they can be empowered to tackle them."
The complete photo series were presented on December 3 at the Agriculture and Rural Development Day in Durban, South Africa.