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Blog - "The Youth and Agriculture" in ACP countries

On his website My Green Piece of Mind, Ghanese blogger Kwesi Asiamah Acquah writes about "the Youth and Agriculture", October 31.

In his blog he focusses on recent programmes started up by African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) countries focussing to engage youth more in agriculture, and sketches the background motivations for this new approach.

Read here the first alinea of his blog:

"Recent efforts by the international development community have focused on getting the youth involved in nation building worldwide. It is therefore not surprising that the governments of the (...) ACP countries are drawing up programmes and calling on the youth to get involved in agriculture. In line with this, (...) ARDYIS has set up an initiative which aims at raising youth awareness and improving their capacity on agricultural and rural development issues in ACP countries using ICTs."

Interested to read more? Follow this link to his blog.

On his website My Green Piece of Mind, Ghanese blogger Kwesi Asiamah Acquah writes about "the Youth and Agriculture", October 31.

In his blog he focusses on recent programmes started up by African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) countries focussing to engage youth more in agriculture, and sketches the background motivations for this new approach.

Read here the first alinea of his blog:

"Recent efforts by the international development community have focused on getting the youth involved in nation building worldwide. It is therefore not surprising that the governments of the (...) ACP countries are drawing up programmes and calling on the youth to get involved in agriculture. In line with this, (...) ARDYIS has set up an initiative which aims at raising youth awareness and improving their capacity on agricultural and rural development issues in ACP countries using ICTs."

Interested to read more? Follow this link to his blog.