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Food security up the agenda at COP17 climate conference

On December 7, The Ecologist published an article about the rising attention for the relation between climate change and food security.

In the article, by Olivier De Schutter, writes about the impact of climate change on food insecurity, and why it is therefore receiving more and more attention in the environmental debates. For instance during trhe COP17 in Durban, where agro-ecological methods of farming are discussed.

"The low-key nature of Durban’s COP17 climate talks has produced an unexpected silver lining. With a Kyoto II agreement seemingly in the deep freeze, a key issue has been allowed to fill the void: food security."

Interested? Read the whole article here.

Olivier De Schutter is UN Special Rapporteur on the Right for Food.


On December 7, The Ecologist published an article about the rising attention for the relation between climate change and food security.

In the article, by Olivier De Schutter, writes about the impact of climate change on food insecurity, and why it is therefore receiving more and more attention in the environmental debates. For instance during trhe COP17 in Durban, where agro-ecological methods of farming are discussed.

"The low-key nature of Durban’s COP17 climate talks has produced an unexpected silver lining. With a Kyoto II agreement seemingly in the deep freeze, a key issue has been allowed to fill the void: food security."

Interested? Read the whole article here.

Olivier De Schutter is UN Special Rapporteur on the Right for Food.
