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How scientists can reach out with social media


The world needs scientists to bring science to life. Jennifer Rohn with tips on how researchers can use social media to engage new audiences.


The world needs scientists to bring science to life. Jennifer Rohn with tips on how researchers can use social media to engage new audiences.


Despite the central role science plays to our way of life, many people are not interested in science or don't understand how it works. Some choose not to believe science's findings. Others even feel it wastes taxpayers' money. Yet scientific solutions are increasingly crucial in overcoming threats to our future, be they climate change, emergent pandemics, dwindling natural resources or the struggle to maintain food security.

Scientists ignore 'the outside world' at their peril. The general public has the power to deny your funding or restrict your experiments. It's important to reach outside your laboratories, offices and field stations to engage with the wider world, to show people that science is essential and that researchers are working hard to help address important issues — that they are the good guys, not the enemy.

But scientists — even geographically isolated ones — now have a wide range of wonderful social media tools for making their voices heard. Thanks to today's communications technology, you can reach new audiences worldwide, keeping them informed, supportive and engaged.


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