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YoBloCo Awards [individual cat.] - public evaluation results!

We are pleased to announce the names of the 15 finalists for the YoBloCo Awards – individual category, resulting from the voting process that took place from 5 to 31 December 2011.

For the individual category, 2214 votes were submitted, from 2080 people (voting for two blogs was possible) and more than 600 comments for the institutional category. 


We are pleased to announce the names of the 15 finalists for the YoBloCo Awards – individual category, resulting from the voting process that took place from 5 to 31 December 2011.

For the individual category, 2214 votes were submitted, from 2080 people (voting for two blogs was possible) and more than 600 comments for the institutional category. 

In hierarchical order, here are the 15 finalists for the individual category:

1. Sourou Hervé Appolinaire NANKPAN [FR]

2. Hudson Wereh [EN]

3. Anne Matho Motsou [FR]

4. Grace Wanene [EN]

5. Nawsheen Hosenally [EN]

6. Gaston Kwa [EN]

7. Hasina Patrick RAKOTOARISOA [FR]

8. Jean-paul Luesso Amuri [FR]

9. Inoussa TRAORE [FR]

10. Itodo Samuel Anthony [EN]

11. Wend Yam Saturnin ZOETYANDE [EN]

12. Kwesi Acquah [EN]

13. Michael Boampong [EN]

14. Anthony Mwangi [EN]

15. Tarirai Mpofu [EN]

Our warmest congratulations to the finalists!!

The votes were carefully checked by a committee composed of representatives of CTA and of ARDYIS project’s Advisory Committee (Yam-Pukri and the Secretariat of the Pacific Community).

The YoBloCo Awards goes on!
An independent jury composed of experts in agriculture and ICTs will now have the role of evaluating the quality of the finalists’ blogs  and decide who will be the winners, both for the individual and the institutional categories. In addition to the three winners to be selected, two runners-up will be awarded a special CTA recognition. Winners will be announced in March.

The competition has been very tight for every participant, but the competition really benefited most people. As a participant commented on the official YoBloCo blog:
“We observed a significant increase of visitors [to our blog], with more than 40% of incoming links from the website”.

And another entrant to the institutional category also noted that:
“We had more than 465 visits to our blog after the beginning of the evaluation process, and most of them came from the ARDYIS website, Facebook and Google. This contest permitted to highlight our work on agriculture”. (...) We too have demands from students preparing their theses (…) and we have even been asked by someone to conduct a feasibility study for the implementation of an agro-pastoral project”.

The Youth in Agriculture Blog Competition (YoBloCo Awards) has been launched by the ACP-EU Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation (CTA), in collaboration with FARA, Yam-Pukri, CAFAN, AYF, ANAFE, SPC/PAFPNET. It aims notably to bring into the limelight issues, successes and challenges faced by youth engaged in agriculture and to encourage the production of information and the use of new ICTs by young farmers’ groups and organizations interested in the “youth in agriculture” question. For more information please visit
