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World Bank supports Ghana´s Youth Enterprise Development Project

With $65 million, the World Bank is to support Ghana's Youth Enterprise Development Project, an initiative of the National Youth Employment Programme (NYEP), as was announced by the Ghanaian government on December 8.

More than 1 million youth are to benefit from the project, which focusses mainly on Agriculture, ICT, housing and related businesses. Also, 1140 youth businesses will be supported.

According to the Minister of Youth and Sports, in the course of 2011, 10 Youth leadership and Skills Training institutes have already benefited from the School Connectivity Project sponsored by the Ghana Investment Fund for Electronic Communication (GIFEC).

Additionally, the Minister stated that the International Youth Day, the International Day of the Volunteers, the African Youth Day, and the National Youth for Peace Camp were celebrated to create awareness among the youth and create solidarity amongst the youth of Ghana.

Interested? Read the whole article here!


With $65 million, the World Bank is to support Ghana's Youth Enterprise Development Project, an initiative of the National Youth Employment Programme (NYEP), as was announced by the Ghanaian government on December 8.

More than 1 million youth are to benefit from the project, which focusses mainly on Agriculture, ICT, housing and related businesses. Also, 1140 youth businesses will be supported.

According to the Minister of Youth and Sports, in the course of 2011, 10 Youth leadership and Skills Training institutes have already benefited from the School Connectivity Project sponsored by the Ghana Investment Fund for Electronic Communication (GIFEC).

Additionally, the Minister stated that the International Youth Day, the International Day of the Volunteers, the African Youth Day, and the National Youth for Peace Camp were celebrated to create awareness among the youth and create solidarity amongst the youth of Ghana.

Interested? Read the whole article here!
