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How to write about your science

Tips from Marina Joubert on how to switch from writing for science to writing about it — and reach a much wider audience.

Tips from Marina Joubert on how to switch from writing for science to writing about it — and reach a much wider audience.

As a scientist, you'll have mastered technical language and the impersonal style of scientific journals. But most people find science-speak indigestible and boring — it is guaranteed to turn non-specialist readers off.

Yet scientists are increasingly asked to reach wide audiences, so making science understood and appreciated is a sought-after skill. Writing for the public brings many rewards: it gives a higher profile that impresses funders, garners public support and attracts top-quality collaborations.

But gripping a popular audience is no mean feat and requires an entirely different approach to wowing fellow scientists. This guide gives you some of the dos and don'ts.

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