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YoBloCo Awards - Vote for your favourite blogs now


yocobo blog awards


yocobo blog awards

It is pleased to announce that the public evaluation process for the Youth in Agriculture Blog Competition (YoBloCo Awards) is now open! After an initial selection that followed the blog submission, 145 blogs (out of 194 submissions) have met the minimal requirements of an eligible blog and have been qualified for public evaluation. There are 121 blogs in the individual category and 24 blogs in the institutional category. The blogs come from 40 African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) countries!

You are invited to vote for the two best blogs of your choice in the individual category and comment on blogs in the institutional category until April 4th 2014. The public’s vote will select 30 finalists (bloggers who receive the highest number of votes) for the individual category. A jury will select final winners among the finalists. We count on your votes so that the best blogs are among the finalists.

How to evaluate the blogs?

In the individual category, you can vote and also comment on the blogs. For the institutional category, there is no voting. The public will only be commenting on these blogs, which the jury will take into account in the next evaluation process.

Cast your votes in the individual category.  You need to vote for 2 blogs and confirm your vote for it to be validated.

Comment on the blogs in the institutional category and Spread the word !

On the website of the YoBloCo Awards, each blog has a profile that can be accessed by clicking on the blog’s name. If you find a good blog, do not hesitate to share it on Facebook, Twitter or Google+, using the social media plug-in on that page. You can also spread the word on the voting process in general around your networks using other means.

The blogs submitted by the youths are promoting agriculture, family farming, food security, ICT use in agriculture as well as youth engagement in agriculture in ACP countries. Some may be discussing key issues in your own country. We count on your support in encouraging youths to continue blogging through your votes and comments!