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Young elites get together: Developing 2014-2018 business plan for YPARD China!

YPARD China connectorSeveral strategic activities, like YPARD China Youth Elite Round Table Discuss, YPARD China web intern training or the YPARD annual conference, were held at the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences (CAAS) during the YPARD China Week. By making use of this opportunity, YPARD China got together several young elites in the agricultural field to develop YPARD China business plan for 2014-2018. The main plan’s drafters were young researchers and teachers from Chinese leading agricultural universities as well as the high-profile elite from student organizations and NGOs.

During this process, we adopted some suggestions from Codrin Paveliuc, Chairman of YPARD Steering Committee, Dr. R. Seenivasan, former YPARD Asia Coordinator and Jieying Bi, YPARD China representative. Through several rounds of discussions among the main drafters, a formalized business plan was finally settled.

YPARD China connectorSeveral strategic activities, like YPARD China Youth Elite Round Table Discuss, YPARD China web intern training or the YPARD annual conference, were held at the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences (CAAS) during the YPARD China Week. By making use of this opportunity, YPARD China got together several young elites in the agricultural field to develop YPARD China business plan for 2014-2018. The main plan’s drafters were young researchers and teachers from Chinese leading agricultural universities as well as the high-profile elite from student organizations and NGOs.

During this process, we adopted some suggestions from Codrin Paveliuc, Chairman of YPARD Steering Committee, Dr. R. Seenivasan, former YPARD Asia Coordinator and Jieying Bi, YPARD China representative. Through several rounds of discussions among the main drafters, a formalized business plan was finally settled.

To be a “connector”

Since YPARD operates as a network, the drafters reach a consensus that YPARD China should follow this principle. Moreover, it should work as a “connector” to integrate resources and opportunities from all stakeholders engaged in agricultural development, such as: agricultural research institutes, universities, associations and producers, agribusiness companies and NGOS.

Under this guidance, YPARD China would like to recruit five assistant representatives to build connections with research institutes, production associations, universities and social organizations. The key indicators for relations building were developed during a fully inspiring and monitoring YPARD China’s work process. Besides, a lot of promotion activities were developed through YPARD China’s website and social media.

Promoting YPARD China through key activities

Since YPARD China was officially launched two years ago, a strong focus was given to kick-off some branded activities so that YPARD China could increase its impact on several key points like policy making, resource integration and agriculture promotion among youth. Based on rigorous discussions, 6 different activities were eventually settled depending on its diverse goals.

While “YPARD China Youth Scholarship” and “YPARD China Youth Tour” activities focus more on sponsorship for international conferences and leading agribusiness tours, “YPARD China Youth Summit” was mainly launched for promoting agriculture among youth. Other like “YPARD China Agribusiness Intern” and “YPARD China New Agribusiness Incubators” were primarily planned to strengthen the connection between young generations and agribusiness companies/cooperatives and even create their own agribusiness for young generation.

The business plan’s translation from Chinese to English version is in process. Comments are warmly welcome after the business plan will be released! 

Picture credit: Network server 1, by Svilen Milev.