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And the Winners of the #THANKS2FF contest are…

#THANKS2FF YPARD Twitter Contest

The #THANKS2FF (“Thanks to Family Farmers”) YPARD Twitter Contest was launched on the 25th of September, 2014 in homage to the young professionals’ role in Family Farming in eradicating hunger and poverty, providing food security and nutrition and improving livelihoods.

#THANKS2FF YPARD Twitter Contest

The #THANKS2FF (“Thanks to Family Farmers”) YPARD Twitter Contest was launched on the 25th of September, 2014 in homage to the young professionals’ role in Family Farming in eradicating hunger and poverty, providing food security and nutrition and improving livelihoods.

In preparation for the World Food Day (“Family Farming: Feeding the world, caring for the earth”), celebrated every year around the world, on the 16th of October since the founding of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations in 1945, YPARD organized the #THANKS2FF contest to identify the best ways to hook and maintain young people’s attention to the agricultural field…And it worked out!

The most retweeted + favorited

During the 16 days the competition lasted for (between 25th of September and 10th of October), we got 38 tweets, 75 favorites and 22 retweets. We were blown away at how creative and original the tweets were which made judging very tough.

So without further ado, our first winner with the most retweeted and favorited tweet with the hashtag #THANKS2FF and handler @YPARD is Abhay Kumar with the tweet: 

Abhay Kumar's winning tweet

"Engaging youth in agriculture is key to secure a nations future as well as social and economic development. Lately in India, young people leaving agriculture has become a trend, as they do not see much future in farming and agrarian economy. Farming is not seen anymore as a career option. This needs to change, right from the policy to the ground level. We have realized the youth needs to make use of every endeavour to make the change happens. After all, agriculture is the mother of all civilizations. When agriculture prospers, other culture follows."

Abhay will receive the latest model of YPARD T-shirt, will also feature on YPARD’s showcase section and will be spotlighted on our monthly newsletter for November as ‘YP of the month’!

Our second winner with the most retweeted and favorited tweet with the hashtag #THANKS2FF and handler @YPARD is Enricka Julien with the tweet: 

Enricka Julien, YPARD Trinidad and Tobago

“As an introvert ICT4ag girl, Web 2.0 was the perfect instrument for me to share my views on the subject, through my participation in the #ICT4ag13 in Kigali, Rwanda, the YoBloCo Blog Awards, Debate on Girls in ICTs and many other local and international events related to agriculture. When more youth will start seeing agriculture as something more than hot sun and hard work they’ll be inspired to get more involved. Thanks to the Family Farming Community in Hard Bargain, Trinidad for inspiring me!”

Enricka will receive the latest model of YPARD T-shirt, will also feature on YPARD’s showcase section and will be spotlighted on our monthly newsletter for December as ‘YP of the month’!

Jury Award

Besides the retweets and favorites, the jury has also taken into account the originality and creativity of the tweets. Therefore, after much deliberation, the jury prize goes to Nestor Ngouambé for his tweet:

Nestor Ngouambé, YPARD Cameroon Representative

“I am very happy to know that this tweet retained the attention of the jury. When creating my tweet I wanted to reflect one of the big challenges in Africa which is improving the productivity of small scale farmers. The issue is to move from traditional agriculture practices to the utilization of modern production techniques (high yield varieties, bio fertilizer, ICT, market-oriented). That is why I used ‘modernizing’, in the sense of modernization of farm management and ‘means’ in order to express youth lack of access to diverse inputs as land and funds.”

Nestor will receive as well the latest model of YPARD T-shirt.


We want to thank all the tweeters and contributors to this Twitter contest for the inspiration and energy of your messages. The simple act of fitting your thoughts into 140 characters in order to reply to one of the three proposed questions makes every one of the #THANKS2FF contest tweets a WINNER!!!

How would you show a friend that Agriculture is an interesting and viable career option? What programs do you know about, that are making agriculture more appealing to young people? What does agriculture provide you with personally and professionally speaking?

We encourage you to keep an eye out for future events we’ll organize as well as to go beyond the 16th of October on promoting young professionals’ role in Family Farming!

Click here to check the Storify with 36 out of the 38 #THANKS2FF contest tweets and check below the 2 remaining tweets that were not tracked by Storify created by Natalia Lozano:

Natalia Lozano, YPARD memberNatalia Lozano, YPARD member