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Explore Africa’s Agricultural Potential Interactively!

Did you know, that with almost 200 million people aged between 15 and 24, Africa has the youngest population in the world? As a result, there are roughly 10 million people in Africa who enter the workforce each year. Is this a threat for increased unemployment, or is it a vast opportunity to find the workforce that is going to power an agricultural revolution in Africa?

Global agricultural coalition Farming First and the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) have joined forces to create an illustrated infographic that is an essential resource for policymakers, development practitioners and academics looking to understand the issues and opportunities which lie ahead for agriculture in Africa, exploring themes such as nutrition, gender, trade, soil health and infrastructure.

Did you know, that with almost 200 million people aged between 15 and 24, Africa has the youngest population in the world? As a result, there are roughly 10 million people in Africa who enter the workforce each year. Is this a threat for increased unemployment, or is it a vast opportunity to find the workforce that is going to power an agricultural revolution in Africa?

Global agricultural coalition Farming First and the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) have joined forces to create an illustrated infographic that is an essential resource for policymakers, development practitioners and academics looking to understand the issues and opportunities which lie ahead for agriculture in Africa, exploring themes such as nutrition, gender, trade, soil health and infrastructure.

IFAD and Farming First new Infographic - African Agriculture

Each theme also hosts an individual resource library with multimedia content and case studies from 47 different organisations working in the African agricultural development sector.

The potential that the infographic has uncovered is astounding. For example, only around 5% of cultivated land in Africa is irrigated, compared with 41% in Asia, yet, irrigation alone could increase output by up to 50% in Africa. Furthermore only 16% of sub-Saharan Africa’s roads are paved, yet, upgrading these road networks could boost yearly trade by US$250 billion a year, while costing only US$38 billion.

Explore the infographic for yourself and let @YPARD, @farmingfirst and @IFADnews hear your views on Twitter!