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Environmental film competition - voting is open!

tvebiomovies is a film competition now in its fifth year, and open to everyone around the world with access to a camera. You could receive US$300 to produce a one-minute film about the environment. Which bit of the environment? Choose a category and decide. Your film could be funny or serious, an animation, a drama or a documentary.

To cast your vote, visit and you’ll be able to choose the film you want to watch. There’s something for everyone; animation, documentary, music and comedy. Click to watch and register your vote.

tvebiomovies is a film competition now in its fifth year, and open to everyone around the world with access to a camera. You could receive US$300 to produce a one-minute film about the environment. Which bit of the environment? Choose a category and decide. Your film could be funny or serious, an animation, a drama or a documentary.

How does it work?

  1. Choose a category
  2. Write and submit a film proposal
  3. Nine finalists will be awarded US$300 to make their films
  4. The finalist in each category with the most views will win a US$1500 prize!

Choose the winners now! One view = one vote!

To cast your vote, visit and you’ll be able to choose the film you want to watch. There’s something for everyone; animation, documentary, music and comedy. Click to watch and register your vote.