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YPARD Nepal Family Farming Photo Contest

Nepalese agriculture is typically characterized by small holder, traditional and subsistence farming; however, recent declines in agricultural production have depressed rural economies and increased widespread hunger and urban migration.The government policy is generally focused to the agricultural diversification and commercialization for broad based growth and poverty reduction. However, the smallholder family farmers are still greatly deprived and there is no any appropriate alternative approach and programs to address the issues.

Supporting International Year of Family Farming 2014 theme “FEEDING THE WORLD, CARING THE EARTH,” YPARD Nepal calls for photo contest from all Nepali citizens to give strong voice for family farmers to build strong recognition and to increase supports on IYFF14 campaign. The photo must visualize the strength, potential, contribution and challenges that family farmers met in their diversity. All the photo entries will undergo jury judgment first and selected photos will undergo public voting. The wining photos will be awarded on National Youth Forum on Agro-based Entrepreneurship Development (#NYFAED15) in January 2015 and will be published on #NYFAED15 proceeding.

YPARD Nepal Family Farming Photo Contest
The 66th session of the general assembly of United Nations 2013 was formally declared to 2014 as the International Year of Family Farming (#IYFF14).Family farming is the farm activities which includes agriculture, forestry, pastoral and aquaculture which is managed and operated by family members. There are over 500 million family farmers in the world which contribute for 70 percent of global food production. Family farming is much more essential than an economic agrarian model, since it is the backbone for livelihood, employment, food security and poverty reduction.

Family Farming Campaign

Nepalese agriculture is typically characterized by small holder, traditional and subsistence farming; however, recent declines in agricultural production have depressed rural economies and increased widespread hunger and urban migration.The government policy is generally focused to the agricultural diversification and commercialization for broad based growth and poverty reduction. However, the smallholder family farmers are still greatly deprived and there is no any appropriate alternative approach and programs to address the issues.

Supporting International Year of Family Farming 2014 theme “FEEDING THE WORLD, CARING THE EARTH,” YPARD Nepal calls for photo contest from all Nepali citizens to give strong voice for family farmers to build strong recognition and to increase supports on IYFF14 campaign. The photo must visualize the strength, potential, contribution and challenges that family farmers met in their diversity. All the photo entries will undergo jury judgment first and selected photos will undergo public voting. The wining photos will be awarded on National Youth Forum on Agro-based Entrepreneurship Development (#NYFAED15) in January 2015 and will be published on #NYFAED15 proceeding.

Submission ends: in 8 days, 11 hours, 13 minutes


First Prize: NRS 20,000
Second Prize: NRS 10,000
Third Prize: NRS 5,000

How to Enter?

  • Each entry consists of an entry form and a single image.
  • One can submit up to 3 photos to the contest.
  • To participate, visit  and complete an entry form with the required information and submit along with your photograph.
  • The caption must be complete and accurate, sufficient to convey the circumstances in which the photograph was taken (max. 100 words).
  • Photographs must be in digital format (JPEG or .jpg) and only online entries will be eligible.
  • The photograph taken with a digital camera, mobile devices, scans of negatives, transparencies or photographic prints are acceptable.
  • Photographs must have been taken recently (within this year) and may not previously have participated in any other contest.
  • Watermarks are not acceptable.

What to Submit?

The aim of this photo contest is to raise the profile of  Nepalese small holder family farmers. Submissions are invited from students, agriculture professionals and citizens for whom photography us their whole or partial practice.

Contest applications should be accomplished by a short description of 100 words mentioning the personal information, location and message that photo provides. We wish to encourage submission from young agriculture professionals  who cares and loves farming aiming at raising family farmers profile with their  efforts in sustainable way.