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Wanda Organic : Biotechnology For Farmers In Kenya

Young farmers in KenyaWanda Organic founder-director Marion Moon, a visionary young Kenyan entrepreneur, sees a peaceful and prosperous Africa, in which our resources are managed sustainably for the benefit of all people and the secure future of our planet. She recognizes real opportunity in the challenges presented by issues of global food security, climate change, and population growth.

Wanda’s focus is on the most abundant natural resource we have, the soil. By bringing farmers, the very latest in bio-organic soil fertility technologies, Wanda enables them to produce more and better food than ever before, thus increasing profitability and family incomes, improving nutrition, creating new employment, developing rural economies, while restoring and strengthening the health of Africa’s soil.

Young farmers in KenyaWanda Organic founder-director Marion Moon, a visionary young Kenyan entrepreneur, sees a peaceful and prosperous Africa, in which our resources are managed sustainably for the benefit of all people and the secure future of our planet. She recognizes real opportunity in the challenges presented by issues of global food security, climate change, and population growth.

Wanda’s focus is on the most abundant natural resource we have, the soil. By bringing farmers, the very latest in bio-organic soil fertility technologies, Wanda enables them to produce more and better food than ever before, thus increasing profitability and family incomes, improving nutrition, creating new employment, developing rural economies, while restoring and strengthening the health of Africa’s soil.

With assistance from  the  United States Agency for International Development (USAID)  Kenya  “Feed The Future” Innovation Engine Program (KFIE) – we have successfully demonstrated and trialed the products with smallholder farmer groups in Machakos County, Kenya. The products have proven their worth. Demand is now rising fast.

Click here to read the full new published on Indiegogo.