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Enrolment for the 2015 cewas start-up programme now open!

Cewas is accepting applications for the upcoming 2015 cewas start-up programme

Each year cewas, the international centre for water management services, based in Willisau (Switzerland) offers young future-entrepreneurs a year-long course to turn their sustainable business idea into reality.

Cewas is accepting applications for the upcoming 2015 cewas start-up programme

Each year cewas, the international centre for water management services, based in Willisau (Switzerland) offers young future-entrepreneurs a year-long course to turn their sustainable business idea into reality.

The cewas start-up programme is built with YOU in mind. It provides everything you need to transform your innovative idea in water and sanitation into a working business. The programme includes thematic lectures, workshops and one-to-one coaching sessions all geared to help you follow your dream and start your own business!

The programme will run from September 2015 to August 2016 in Willisau, in the heart of Switzerland. It kicks off with a two week block-course and continues with four content modules delivered each Thursday and Friday from September through to December. January to August 2016 is dedicated to personal coaching by renowned sector experts.

Can’t wait to start? Apply for the 2015 start-up programme by June 25th 2015 here!

The cewas community is looking forward to welcoming you!

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