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Ask Ag About... Input Technology for Smallholder Productivity

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Improved seed, fertilizer and water securing technologies allow farmers to produce more food on their land. These technologies are the focus of research and development institutions across the world, with new and exciting advances being made in all areas.

Join Agrilinks for an in-depth discussion with no character limit!

Improved seed, fertilizer and water securing technologies allow farmers to produce more food on their land. These technologies are the focus of research and development institutions across the world, with new and exciting advances being made in all areas.

At the same time, input technologies face tremendous barriers to adoption in the field—from the policy level down to the individual farm. USAID and its partners actively fund the development and implementation of input technologies and are working to address the complex issues that keep farmers from benefiting from these important innovations.

To address this exciting topic, seed expert John McMurdy from the Bureau for Food Security, Ku McMahan from Securing Water for Food, and Debbie Hellums from the International Fertilizer Development Center will be online and answering questions about water, fertilizer and seed input technology right on this event page.

Join Agrilinks at noon EDT on Wednesday, June 17, as John, Ku and Debbie take questions and discuss some of their latest activities and projects in the field.

So, what do you want to know about inputs technology?

Discussion topics will include:

  • How can practitioners better identify production problems that would be best addressed by the development of new input technologies?   
  • What upcoming technologies have the most potential for helping smallholder farmers to intensify or scale their production?
  • What local policy, market and cultural concerns should practitioners consider when developing a program that promotes the adoption of a new technology?

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