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A new strategic phase for Youth's leading role for agricultural development: YPARD’s 2014 annual report

YPARD's 2014 annual report 2014: a period of self-reflection for YPARD, followed by planning and mobilisation. With stronger international recognition, a growing role of leading on youth and agriculture in the field and the conclusion of the external review, YPARD took a moment to see what it had achieved and where it should now go.

The strategic planning meeting in January 2014 was a key moment for YPARD community, its team and its partners to work together to assess the current climate for youth in agriculture and identify where YPARD is best placed to influence, advocate and promote youth, bringing a more dynamic agricultural development that will bring strong leaders to the fore. The outcomes launched the YPARD 2014-2018 business plan, making 2014 the beginning of a new strategic phase.

YPARD's 2014 annual report 2014: a period of self-reflection for YPARD, followed by planning and mobilisation. With stronger international recognition, a growing role of leading on youth and agriculture in the field and the conclusion of the external review, YPARD took a moment to see what it had achieved and where it should now go.

The strategic planning meeting in January 2014 was a key moment for YPARD community, its team and its partners to work together to assess the current climate for youth in agriculture and identify where YPARD is best placed to influence, advocate and promote youth, bringing a more dynamic agricultural development that will bring strong leaders to the fore. The outcomes launched the YPARD 2014-2018 business plan, making 2014 the beginning of a new strategic phase.

YPARD members began their activities in earnest, with strengthened regional teams and coordination.

Read the YPARD’s 2014 annual report to grasp all the YPARD activities, on local, national, regional and global level.

Our 5 key achievements for 2014:

  1. Several international organizations seek YPARD’s input in developing youth strategies and programmes;
  2. 20 youth leaders and +450 participants attend online and onsite masterclasses and youth sessions for meaningful youth participation into GLF2014 and Forests Asia Summit, in collaboration with IFSA and CIFOR;
  3. 27 Portraits of successful young professionals in agriculture featured on YPARD Showcase;
  4. +15 200 visits on per month, 9125 members registered by end 2014, 200 articles on YPARD Community blog and a new YPARD Chinese interface;
  5. YPARD Business Plan 2014-2018 released and activities begin!

As was sent out to YPARD’s members in the New Year’s message: “YPARD is a movement: a movement of people who believe in a sustainable agricultural development that meets the needs of the poor, without depleting the world’s resources. This includes you, as a young professional or as a supporter of young professionals. Let’s make the movement grow. Let’s work together to make 2015 the year that agricultural development becomes more dynamic, representative and truly focused on engaging the youth. Join us, take part, and become involved. 2015 is going to be a great year.”