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CFS 42 Youth & Talent

CFS YouthDeveloping the knowledge, skills, and talent of youth to further food security and nutrition

In order to face the food security and nutrition challenges of the future – including feeding the estimated 9 billion people by 2050 with adequate, safe, diversified, and nutrient rich food - there is a need to build the capacity of the next generation of agricultural producers, by identifying ways to engage and empower youth – both women and men.

CFS YouthDeveloping the knowledge, skills, and talent of youth to further food security and nutrition

In order to face the food security and nutrition challenges of the future – including feeding the estimated 9 billion people by 2050 with adequate, safe, diversified, and nutrient rich food - there is a need to build the capacity of the next generation of agricultural producers, by identifying ways to engage and empower youth – both women and men.

Approximately 90 percent of young people (age 15 – 24) live in developing countries where agriculture employs as much as 60 percent of the labour force and yet the majority of youth do not currently see agriculture as a viable career path given low productivity rates and the difficulties they’ve seen generations before them face.  While the challenges are significant, the potential returns are enormous.

A future where young rural people are able to reach their potential and help deliver a world where sufficient safe and nutritious food is available to all, is one everyone can look forward to. Though much needs to be done before this vision becomes a reality, achieving it is within our grasp particularly if we build on lessons learned and hear directly from youth on what they need and how they would recommend surpassing these challenges.

Follow and contribute these three youth events

Can't make it to Rome? Follow us online through Twitter and hashtags:  #MyFood30 #Y4FSN and #CFS42.

Some key resources!

  • 10 young people were invited to showcase their project during the Youth for Food Security and Nutrition (Y4FSN) Idea incubator, 12th October, based on the video they submitted. View all the videos on CFS website's idea incubator page.
  • The CFS Secretariat issued a call for case studies highlighting examples of initiatives aimed at developing the knowledge, skills and talent of youth to further food security and nutrition in order to prepare a synthesis of lessons learned and potential policy implications. Over 60 cases were received, of which 24 edited cases can be found in this documentDeveloping the knowledge, skills and talent of youth to further food security and nutrition. You can find this report in other languages on CFS' website.

These events have been designed by the Committee on World Food Security (CFS) , MyFood30 and FAO Washington in collaboration with YPARD: Young Professionals for Agricultural Development, based on their experience with the Youth-in-Landscapes GLF program.