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Youth in Landscapes 2015 – Get involved!

Youth in Landscapes initiative 2015

"To bring young people with lots of energy to the table to try and discuss pressing and complex issues was just a fantastic opportunity”. Ashwin Ravikumar, young researcher at CIFOR, during 2014 Global Landscapes Forum youth session.

Youth in Landscapes initiative 2015

"To bring young people with lots of energy to the table to try and discuss pressing and complex issues was just a fantastic opportunity”. Ashwin Ravikumar, young researcher at CIFOR, during 2014 Global Landscapes Forum youth session.

50 young innovators to design and pitch solutions to land use challenges

50 young innovators (aged 18-35) will take part in tackling 5 concrete landscape challenges, with a team of 10 passionate young people and challenge partner organizations, in Paris from 1-4 December 2015. They will then pitch their ideas to a panel of “dragons” on 6 December. Check the agenda here.

Youth Workshop: as you read this, 50 young innovators are working together to solve rights and tenure, finance, landscape restoration, education and water management challenges set by our partner organisations. From 1-4 December, our workshop is designed to guide these 50 young people to be the collaborative, compassionate and courageous leaders that landscapes do need and will need far into the future. Find out more about our unique workshop design here

Learn more about the 5 challenges:

Youth session: meet the six dragons who will be giving feedback on the 5 landscapes solutions developed during the 4 day workshop. The session will be livestreamed on Periscope on Sunday 6 December at 14:30 – 16:00 CET. We’ll send you the link in a few days.

Involving and empowering the youth throughout the Global Landscapes Forum 

Youth in Landscapes initiative is more than a youth session The programme also includes a series of activities that were open for application for any young people present at the GLF.

Mentoring: Senior GLF delegates and youth delegates with similar background are paired and encouraged to attend a GLF/COP session together.

“Meet the leader”: A small group of youth will be given opportunity to meet high-level plenary speakers in a one-on-one setting.

Youth leadership roles: Youth delegates will be asked to moderate sessions, be rapporteur, MC plenaries and take up other roles.

Learn more about the overall program on the 2015 Youth-In-Landscapes official page.

Are you ready for the Global Landscapes Forum this weekend?

  • Time to review the basics. Have you ever wondered what a “landscape” is? Watch our video and hear what Youth have to say about it!
  • Have you built the right skills to make the best of the event? Watch our recorded webinars on Landscape approach, youth and SDGs, critical thinking and active listening, and more!
  • As we are wrapping up our series of webinars, Gabrielle, our capacity development co-lead shares her insights on the need for transitioning to e-teaching.

Youth in Landscapes Initiative: Are we making a difference?

As we kick off the 2015 program, we’ve taken some time to reflect on where our 2014 youth participants are now and how last year’s program impacted their personal and professional lives.

Read our 9-month evaluation report here.

Youth Innovator Videos

150 youth champions applied for the GLF Youth program. They are 75 men and 75 women from 60 countries, both from rural and urban areas and from different backgrounds. Watch their 2 minute video pitch videos and get nspired by the amazing work they are doing. An online video contest was organized around these videos - the winner will receive a public prize, to be announced during the youth session on Decembre 6.

Tell us your landscape stories

We give you the opportunity to showcase your work on the new blog. Write an inspiring blog post about your experiences in creating solutions for landscape and sustainability challenges. Your entry should be innovative, inspiring and motivate your peers to start discussions about the vital role youths play in solving landscape challenges. 

What makes a powerful blogpost? Read these tips. Please e-mail all complete entries, including your post as a text document and picture in photo format (png, jpg, etc) with appropriate credit to 该邮件地址已受到反垃圾邮件插件保护。要显示它需要在浏览器中启用 JavaScript。.

Engage Online with #ThinkLandscape

For live updates, follow us on Facebook and Twitter (#ThinkLandscape) and help us reach our target of engaging thousands of youth in the Global Landscapes Forum!

Stay up-to-date by registering to the Youth-in-Landscapes initiative’s newsletter!

The Youth in Landscapes Initiative is a partnership between the Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR), Young Professionals for Agricultural Development (YPARD), the International Forestry Students Association (IFSA) and the Global Agroecology Alliance (GAEA).

Picture credit: Marina Cherbonnier (YPARD)