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Behind the scenes VIDEO : Land Restoration challenge team prepares to enter the Dragon's Den

By Andrew Johnstone on January 11, 2016

Produced under the auspices of the Four Basin Gender Profiles project of the Water, Land and Ecosystems Program of CGIAR, this film follows a group of ten youth innovators, mentored by Dr Alan Nicol from the International Water Management Institute, as they devise a solution to landscapes challenges to be pitched to a panel of judges in a Dragon's Den style event at the Global Landscapes Forum at COP21 in Paris, December 2015.

By Andrew Johnstone on January 11, 2016

Produced under the auspices of the Four Basin Gender Profiles project of the Water, Land and Ecosystems Program of CGIAR, this film follows a group of ten youth innovators, mentored by Dr Alan Nicol from the International Water Management Institute, as they devise a solution to landscapes challenges to be pitched to a panel of judges in a Dragon's Den style event at the Global Landscapes Forum at COP21 in Paris, December 2015.

The team worked specifically on a Land Restoration Challenge task, based on the output of Four Basin Gender Profiles Phase One gender mapping in the Nile Basin. The event is hosted by the Youth in Landscapes Initiative, with coordination by the Water, Land and Ecosystems Program of CGIAR.

The Youth in Landscapes Initiative is a partnership between the International Forestry Students' Association (IFSA), Young Professionals for Agricultural Development (YPARD) and the Global AgroEcology Alliance (GAEA). For more information, please visit

This article and video are originally published on Thrive Blog from the CGIAR's WLE research program.