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picture: watermelons

One bite into a sweet, juicy watermelon can brighten a gloomy day. The fruit is popular in Kenya and can be found in any major market. It has a high demand, which makes it a profitable fruit to grow. With a growing concern among Kenyans to stay healthy, watermelons are an instant favorite as they are mostly made of water, are plenty in nutrients and are low in calories. The best part is growing watermelons in Kenya is easy, you can reap a lot of profit from a mere acre of land. Watermelons need space to grow because of their vines, so make sure you space them well.

Picture: pig farming

Over the years, pig farming in Kenya has gradually risen to become one of the top agribusiness ventures. Pork accounts for 38% of the world’s meat production, making it very popular meat. Domesticated pigs are called swines. Swines reproduce twice a year, their gestation period being only 114 days, that is 3 months, three weeks and three days. Farmers rearing pigs for sale can get a lot of profit, depending on the number of pigs they rear in their farm. Farmers in Kenya can buy their pigs from trusted sources like the Agricultural Development farm in Nakuru. Just like any other business, a person looking to go into pig farming must do research to determine whether the business will realize profit or not. Lack of research and planning may cause frustrations when faced with the challenges that come with pig farming in Kenya. Here are factors to consider when pig farming.

pictures: maize farmers

The long rains season will be starting in about two months. Already, farmers have harvested from last year’s season and by April, many will have planted maize. Nonetheless, there are ways you can follow to ensure that by this time next year, your barn will be full of a high maize production.

Youth in agriculture

In Africa over 200 million people are aged between 15 and 24, the youngest population in the world. This age group according to the African Economic Outlooks is expected to double in number by 2045. Low profitability, poor security of land tenure, and high risks are just some of the reasons Africa’s youth are leaving rural areas to seek jobs in cities, a migration that could see Africa with a shortage of farmers in the future. Given that agriculture is one of the continent’s biggest economic sectors, generating broad economic development and providing much of the population with food, this poses a serious threat to the future of farming and to meeting the demands of a rapidly growing urban population. Growing youth unemployment, ageing farmers and declining crop yields under traditional farming systems mean engaging youth in agriculture should be a priority.

Picture: vegetable market

Agribusiness has grown in leaps and bounds across Kenya over the years. The most common vegetables and fruits grown in Kenya include kale, lettuce, cabbages, potatoes, carrots, onions, cucumber, broccoli, beans, peas, avocado, mangoes, oranges and others. These fruits and vegetables tend to get damaged when being harvested, while being handled, during storage, processing, packaging, transportation and marketing. They are delicate and tend to lose water even after being harvested. This causes them to discolor and lose weight, affecting their appearance and therefore their market value.