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Be the YPARD voice in the new EFARD Management Team!

We are searching for a proactive young voice to be heard in the new management team of The European Forum on Agricultural Research for Development (EFARD) for period 2020 - 2022.  The European Forum on Agricultural Research for Development (EFARD) aims to strengthen her contribution in poverty alleviation, food security, and sustainable development in developing countries by providing a platform for... More

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  • Czech Republic
  1101 Hits
1101 Hits

The Project SIMPLE- building alumni centers connecting students and the professional sector

This blog piece highlights the achievements of the Project SIMPLE at the University of Battambang (UBB), Cambodia through an interview between Libuška Valešová, YPARD Europe coordinator and Koemseang Nhuong,  General Coordinator and Lecturer at the Department of Animal Science, Faculty of Agriculture and Food Processing of the University of Battambang (UBB), Cambodia and member of the SIMPLE project management team of... More

Custom fields

  • Cambodia
  • Access to resources and capacity building
  863 Hits
863 Hits

Project SIMPLE - creating linkage between the academic and professional sector in Asia

With the purpose of  highlighting the work carried out by our YPARD partner  “ project SIMPLE” and the impact it has made through its main the activities carried out in light of its objective of encouraging the cooperation between the academic sector (HEIs) and professional sector in the area of agriculture and life sciences in selected Asian countries (Cambodia, Indonesia, and... More

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  • Cambodia
  945 Hits
945 Hits

YPARD Europe at the SIMPLE project training course in Vienna, Austria

SIMPLE (Support of International Platform Merging Labour and Education) is an EU project coordinated by the Faculty of Tropical AgriSciences at the CULS ( Czech University of Life Sciences) in Prague. The project aims at enhancing employability of the partner universities alumni (European, Asian partners) by supporting networking and providing the link among graduates (alumni) and employers; establishing Alumni Centres and... More

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  • Austria
  • Sharing Information and connecting people
  942 Hits
942 Hits

YPARD is heading to the EFARD meeting in Prague!

Five YPARD delegates from Central and Eastern Europe are heading to The European Forum on Agricultural Research for Development (EFARD) annual meeting which brings together 57 representatives of 27 different countries and various agricultural organizations including  AGRINATURA, FARA, FANRPAN, CIRAD, EAFF, YPARD and others. The meeting aims at paving the way for Young Professionals to engage in discussions on agricultural research... More

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  • Czech Republic
  • Creating opportunities for policy debate
  1332 Hits
1332 Hits