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Madhu Sudhan Ghimire: Getting Nepal on the Road to Resilient Recovery

In this guest blog post, Madhu Sudhan Ghimire, an agriculture student from Nepal urges for action to be taken to support rural communities and farmers, to avoid a food crisis in the country following the recent earthquake. This post is part of the Young Professionals for Agricultural Development (YPARD) network’s ongoing partnership with Farming First. It was Saturday 25th of April 2015: a normal day when... More

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  • Nepal
  784 Hits
784 Hits

Web 2.0 and Social media for Development

“Web 2.0” - you have probably heard it and wondered what it really means. Is it a buzz word? Or could it be something important for your work? Web 2.0 refers to free or low-cost interactive web-based services that help people share information online more easily than with earlier tools. Besides, it emphasizes the possibility for many people who are not... More

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  • Sharing Information and connecting people
  1233 Hits
1233 Hits

"Think, eat, save" gives the tone

In the words of the UN under the Secretary General and UNEP Executive Director Achim Steiner “In the world of seven billion people set to grow to 9 billion by 2050, wasting food makes no sense economically, environmentally and ethically.” As “turn off the lights” was an electricity saving campaign, “Think, Eat, Save” is a campaign set to reduce Food waste... More

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  • Sharing Information and connecting people
  0 Hits
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Urban responsibility for food security

We are currently witnessing a second urbanization wave. By 2050, the large majority of the additional 3 billion people will live in Asian and African medium-sized cities. Pressures will be the greatest where the urban and institutional infrastructure is the weakest. Many of the cities that will be created do not even exist yet. Many of the ones that do exist... More

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  • Nepal
  813 Hits
813 Hits