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Web 2.0 and Social media for Development

“Web 2.0” - you have probably heard it and wondered what it really means. Is it a buzz word? Or could it be something important for your work? Web 2.0 refers to free or low-cost interactive web-based services that help people share information online more easily than with earlier tools. Besides, it emphasizes the possibility for many people who are not... More
  1232 Hits
1232 Hits

Breaking the Youth-Unemployment-Violence link in the Sinai Region of Egypt through Agriculture

The Egyptian Peninsula of Sinai is a strategically significant triangle bounded by the Mediterranean to its north, Gaza and Israel to its east, and the Suez Canal to its west. Through the Suez Canal, Sinai serves a land bridge connecting Africa and Asia. Moreover, some 8% of global trade transits through the Suez Canal, including 3 percent of global oil supplies.... More
  1441 Hits
1441 Hits