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Creating Jobs, Fostering Peace

“There is no lasting peace without jobs. Decent jobs are necessary for a just society and a sustainable route out of poverty.” Mpenga Kabundi, Retired – Deputy Regional Director, Africa. Indeed, the world, especially the youth need more decent jobs. When Agriculture is taken as a business, it becomes attractive to the youth, and they utilize their potential to venture into... More
  1475 Hits
1475 Hits

Looking for successful young farmers and young professionals in agriculture as Role Models - YPARD Zambia

Young Professionals for Agricultural Development (YPARD) in Zambia is undertaking activities aimed at creating interest in and commitment to agricultural development among the youth, through information exchange, dialogue, networking and mentorship. We are looking for Successful Young Farmers (35 years and below) who can be our Role Models for Secondary School Students. These should be active farmers or main players along... More

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  • Zambia
  • Promote agriculture among young people
  671 Hits
671 Hits

Looking for stakeholders to collaborate on activities to promote the engagement of young people in agriculture - YPARD Zambia

Young Professionals for Agricultural Development (YPARD) in Zambia is undertaking activities aimed at creating interest in and commitment to agricultural development among the youth, through information exchange, dialogue, networking and mentorship. The activity is about promoting agriculture among young people. We are looking for Stakeholders who are willing to collaborate with us in undertaking these activities. Some ways in which we... More

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  • Zambia
  • Promote agriculture among young people
  600 Hits
600 Hits

Youth in Agriculture Programme Key to engaging youth

“Are these roasted bananas?” I asked, as my colleague Ado looked on nodding against me. “Let's ask her”, he said.  It's amazing! Many different types of fresh agriculture products are sold along the streets of Accra. All the lady could tell us was that the bananas like fruits are called plante according to her pronunciation. One would wonder the destiny and... More

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  • Ghana
  1192 Hits
1192 Hits

Access to information at the door steps; the story of Nteletsa 2 Telecentres in Botswana

Introduction: The blog is a collection in a series which are part of the Study Tour which Zambia Telecentre Network selected team of Four undertook to Botswana in August,2011,with support from Southern Africa Telecentre Network to learn and exchange the use of ICTs in the country and its connection to livestock and agriclture. Nteletsa is a Tseswana word that means ‘call... More

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  • Botswana
  1250 Hits
1250 Hits

The trends, role and importance of ICTs in Agriculture; lessons learnt from the SATNET/PSAf ICT Medium Forum

The critical challenge in African countries and Zambia in particular is access to information resources and services that add value to the lives of people. Most of the potential of rural African resources and its people still remain untapped. Thus among others, we face several challenges. To contribute to the development of ICTs in southern Africa, Southern Africa Telecentre Network (SATNET... More

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  • Zambia
  1073 Hits
1073 Hits

Convergence of Radio and ICTs in Agricultural Development, A Success story by Panos Institute of Southern Africa

This success story is based on the presentation made at the Southern Africa Telecentre Network and Panos Institute of Southern Africa Media Forum on the Role of ICTs in Agricultural Development . The success story is based on Panos experiences in implementing radio/ICT initiative in Zambia in particular Kasempa and Itezhi Tezhi districts under a programme supported by Common Market for... More
  824 Hits
824 Hits