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Looking for successful young farmers and young professionals in agriculture as Role Models - YPARD Zambia

Young Professionals for Agricultural Development (YPARD) in Zambia is undertaking activities aimed at creating interest in and commitment to agricultural development among the youth, through information exchange, dialogue, networking and mentorship. We are looking for Successful Young Farmers (35 years and below) who can be our Role Models for Secondary School Students. These should be active farmers or main players along... More
  671 Hits
671 Hits

Looking for stakeholders to collaborate on activities to promote the engagement of young people in agriculture - YPARD Zambia

Young Professionals for Agricultural Development (YPARD) in Zambia is undertaking activities aimed at creating interest in and commitment to agricultural development among the youth, through information exchange, dialogue, networking and mentorship. The activity is about promoting agriculture among young people. We are looking for Stakeholders who are willing to collaborate with us in undertaking these activities. Some ways in which we... More
  600 Hits
600 Hits

Welcoming YPARD Bosnia and Herzegovina representative: Mirjana Ribic

We´re delighted to welcome YPARD very first national representative for Bosnia and Herzegovina: Mirjana Ribic. Mirjana finished the Faculty of Agriculture at the University of Banja Luka in 2011, where she graduated in Agricultural Economics and Rural Development. She is currently completing her master’s thesis in the field of Rural Tourism at the Department of Rural Development. She´s focused on the... More
  1133 Hits
1133 Hits

Global Forum for Innovations in Agriculture

The Global Forum for Innovations in Agriculture is advertised by the organisers as ' the world's award winning sustianable agriculture event'.  There were indeed many innovative and interesting products on display, from vertical farming to glasses that enable farmers to see problems with their crops. But, was it really promoting sustainable agriculture? One major thing that was missing was a good number of... More
  835 Hits
835 Hits