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Food security for all

Dear YPARDians,

As food prices soar and, according to the World Population Prospects that the UN published in 2010, we will be 9.3 billion souls living on earth by 2050 (10.1 billion by the end of the century), it is time to set out on a journey to find the best solutions in order to ensure GLOBAL FOOD SECURITY.

At this level, one person cannot do anything. It is more about the community effort that can easily be translated at regional, national or even local level. This is why you and your family and friends, you and the organizations that you are a part of, you and the universities should start discussing this URGENT issue.

What am I doing: I recently started working on a research called "A Global Agricultural Policy: how to feed the world?". I am trying to find out whether there is an alternative to the present global hunger (See Global Hunger Index) problems by designing a policy structure for food policies. As a representative from Via Campesina told me in an interview for this research, at this time "food security is food insecurity. We have no hope for tomorrow without relying on each other."

So far I have interviewed experts on food security around the world, representatives of farmers organizations of all sizes, agribusiness companies, the UN, I have reviewed international cooperation plans on agriculture between world powers to see if we can rely on someone to find a common ground to build a global food security framework.

But I will like to hear also the "voice of the people", those that are directly affected today by food insecurity and increase in food prices.

So please answer me this, either in the form of a short text answer or through a photo (or both sent to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or posted here): How are you handling the food crisis? How are you facing the food security issue while prices are increasing, food supply is decreasing (due to low yields, droughts this year, decreasing incomes for your family etc.)? What is your personal way of handling this with your family?

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