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Food security for all

Dear YPARDians,  As food prices soar and, according to the World Population Prospects that the UN published in 2010, we will be 9.3 billion souls living on earth by 2050 (10.1 billion by the end of the century), it is time to set out on a journey to find the best solutions in order to ensure GLOBAL FOOD SECURITY.  At this... More
  1144 Hits
1144 Hits

YPARD –Latin America and the Caribbean, present at the Sixth Meeting of Foragro in Lima

The Sixth Meeting of the Forum for the Americas on Agricultural Research and Technology Development (FORAGRO), which took place on 21-23 August 2012 in Lima, Peru, gathered a diverse group of participants and lecturers: agriculture ministers, directors of INIAs, directors of international research centers, university rectors and lecturers, senior researchers, representatives of the so-called Procis, leaders of producer groups, private sector... More
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