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IAAS - Spreading Youth's Passion for Agriculture!

"The Universe always conspires to help the dreamer", Paulo Coelho. 

We all have something we like, hate or love, simply because we all have the potential to feel passionate about something. 

Passion is the energy that keeps us going and filled with meaning, happiness and excitement. It's the driving force that makes us feel unique and what pushes us to keep seeking ways to make our dreams come true.

It was a common passion what brought Vedran, Genna, Anne-marie and Yoga to experience agriculture's love together. And it was thanks to the International Association of students in Agricultural and related Sciences (IAAS) they had the opportunity to bring this passion one step further and infect other agricultural students with their energy and conviction all over the world.

IAAS held on 9-17 July its 2015 World Congress in The Netherlands, Belgium, Switzerland and Italy. In order to celebrate it and bring closer IAAS passion to YPARD members, we selected four IAAS role models to feature with their personal stories on why they decided to take the challenge of shaping their lives though agriculture!

Meet each of them below and send us an email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you’d like to share your passion for agriculture with us!

"Let’s show the world that agriculture is an attractive career"

Omega, IAAS Indonesia"Clearly, every living creature has the instinct to survive in this world, and one of the basic attempts is to feed themselves. Therefore, agriculture is very important not only to provide foods, but also jobs for young people. By following our instinct and develop our skills, we will not only feed ourselves, but also million people out there who are starving from hunger."

Read the success story captured by Ratih Nawangwulan of Yoga from Indonesia, a young entrepreneur who is is currently developing a promising organic rice business! 

"Love agriculture and it will love you back"

Ann-marie, YPARD Zimbabwe

"I got in the field of agriculture without even realizing it. Just like most young girls I dreamt of working in an office wearing heals the whole day with makeup on my face. My parents would ask me to water the garden and I would enjoy doing it because that way, I could have more time to fantasize of my office job."

Grasp more about Tafadzwa Anne-marie from Zimbabwe – a student who dreamed of an office job and ended up starting IAAS Zimbabwe chapter!

Greening the Mediterranean with IAAS

Vedran, IAAS Croatia“When you talk with an IAASer or a YPARDian, you can just feel great spirit, energy, ideas and optimistic dreams in the air. Since I have been more active in IAAS, that hasn't changed a bit! Meeting interesting people and their cultures through platforms like IAAS or YPARD is just an unavoidable perk of these networks. So if you're a student or a young professional involved in agriculture, join these networks and help making the world a better place!”

Do you feel the same? Then go through Vedran's testimonial and learn more about IAAS Croatia national director and his project to improve the rural areas in the Mediterranean region.

"My experience in Global Agriculture has shaped my Life"

Genna, IAAS America“I currently work with IAAS on developing our partnership with FAO, for which IAAS is able to send observers to FAO events. For young agriculturalists, like myself, take the lead! Together, we can make the future we want in agriculture. It just takes participation in global networks like YPARD and IAAS. Together, we will be the difference!”

Meet Genna from U.S.A., IAAS former president, and let her infect you with her optimism and enthusiasm! 


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